A portrait - 22/52

"A portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2013." 

Emma: I just cannot resist putting two photos in today’s post. Emma is now 4.04kg and is 54.5cm’s tall. That means that besides still being tiny, at 7 weeks of age, she is also already small for her age, but believe me: when she smiles, the room grows larger, brighter and lovelier. She is living large in our hearts.

Daniel: He loves to bath and it is a half hour long event each night. As a baby he did not mind water in his eyes, but these days washing his hair is an exercise that requires careful preparation, forceful negotiation, earplugs (for us) and trauma counselling…

To share your photos or to just see other 22/52 portraits in the project, click here.

1 comment:

  1. HI there, visiting via Che and Fidel - your little one certainly does have a magnificent smile!
