2014 - 29/52

"A portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2014." 

I will continue with the Turkey posts in a couple of days, but first it is time for a weekly portrait again. 

Emma: riding on my neck. In the previous portrait she was on her dad's back - obviously she likes it up there :-). She is now 15 months old, still tiny with only two teeth and a bit lazy to walk. But she can go from 0-60 in the crawling department in seconds! 

Daniel: his seventh birthday is coming up and I wish we could imitate his in-the-moment enthusiasm for subjects ranging from the Tour de France to the Star Wars movies (which he's just discovered) about things in our own lives.

This is part of Jodi's from Practicing Simplicity's project. See more here.

Image credits: My sister, Elanie Fourie, took both these photos.

1 comment:

  1. Nani, please will you do a post on Emma's beautiful wardrobe. She looks so beautiful in all your pictures, with just the right amount of trendy!
